About Us

Welcome to LeapDigi

At LeapDigitals, we pride ourselves on providing top-tier web hosting and dedicated server solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses and individuals worldwide. Since our inception, we have been committed to delivering reliable, secure, and high-performance hosting services to help our clients succeed online.

Our Journey

LeapDigitals began its journey in 2019 with the launch of our first branch, LeapDigitals.co.uk, focusing on serving clients with Europe-based hosting and dedicated server solutions. As our reputation for quality service grew, so did our ambition. In 2023, we expanded our presence to the United States with the launch of LeapDigi.com, offering USA-based hosting and dedicated servers. Most recently, in 2024, we established LeapDigiPK.com to cater to our growing clientele in Pakistan, offering locally based hosting and dedicated server solutions.

Our Hosting Services

We offer a range of hosting services designed to cater to various needs:

  1. Business Hosting

    • Ideal for static websites or static WordPress sites.
    • Offers reliable performance for businesses that need a solid online presence without the complexity of dynamic content.
  2. WordPress Hosting

    • Specifically optimized for WordPress sites and e-commerce platforms.
    • Provides the speed, security, and scalability needed to run dynamic websites and online stores smoothly.
  3. Malware-Free Hosting

    • Perfect for WordPress or static websites that require an extra layer of protection.
    • Our highly protected plans ensure your site remains secure and free from malware, giving you peace of mind.

Dedicated Servers

In addition to our web hosting services, we offer powerful dedicated server solutions in different regions:

  • LeapDigitals.co.uk provides Europe-based dedicated servers, ensuring low latency and high performance for clients across Europe.
  • LeapDigi.com offers USA-based dedicated servers, delivering robust performance for clients in North America.
  • LeapDigiPK.com provides Pakistan-based dedicated servers, offering reliable and local hosting solutions for businesses and individuals in Pakistan.

Each branch operates its own servers, ensuring that resources are optimized for the region they serve. This means our hosting services are not shared between branches, providing localized support and performance.


Our mission is to empower businesses and individuals to thrive in the digital world by providing reliable, secure, and high-performance hosting solutions. We are committed to innovation, customer satisfaction, and maintaining the highest standards of service.


Our vision is to be a global leader in web hosting and dedicated server solutions, known for our commitment to excellence, security, and customer-focused innovation. We strive to create a digital environment where every client, regardless of size or location, can achieve their online potential.

Our Values

  • Customer-Centricity: Our customers are at the heart of everything we do. We are dedicated to understanding their needs and exceeding their expectations.
  • Innovation: We constantly seek new ways to improve our services and provide cutting-edge solutions that drive success.
  • Integrity: We operate with transparency and honesty, building trust with our customers through ethical practices and reliable service.
  • Community: We believe in giving back to the community and supporting initiatives that foster growth, education, and innovation in the tech industry.

Community Involvement

At LeapDigitals, LeapDigi, and LeapDigiPK, we believe in the power of community. We actively participate in and support various initiatives, including:

  • Tech Education: Sponsoring coding bootcamps and workshops to empower the next generation of tech professionals.
  • Environmental Responsibility: Implementing energy-efficient practices in our data centers and supporting green initiatives.
  • Charitable Contributions: Donating to local charities and organizations that work towards social betterment.


1) Is it possible to migrate from one branch to another?

  • Yes, but only for web hosting services. You can migrate your web hosting account from one branch to another (e.g., from LeapDigitals.co.uk to LeapDigi.com). However, this does not apply to dedicated servers, as they are region-specific and cannot be transferred between branches.

2) What type of support do you offer?

  • We provide 24/7 customer support through our ticketing system. Our support team is equipped to handle technical issues, billing inquiries, and general questions about our services. We also offer free website cleaning if any malware is found on websites hosted with us.

3) How are backups managed for web hosting accounts?

  • We take daily backups of all web hosting accounts and retain these backups for 14 days. This ensures that your data is secure and can be restored in case of any issues.

4) Do you offer refunds?

  • Yes, we offer a full refund for web hosting services within 7 days of purchase. However, there are no refunds for domain registrations or dedicated server purchases.

5) What security measures are in place to protect my website?

  • Our Malware-Free Hosting plans include advanced security features to protect your website from malware and other online threats. Additionally, all our hosting plans come with SSL certificates and DDoS protection to ensure your website’s security.

6) Can I upgrade or downgrade my hosting plan?

  • Yes, you can easily upgrade or downgrade your hosting plan at any time through your client portal. Our support team is also available to assist with any questions about the process.

7) What payment methods do you accept?

  • We accept a variety of payment methods, including credit/debit cards, PayPal, and bank transfers. Payment options may vary depending on the branch you are registered with.

8) How do I become an affiliate?

  • You can join our Affiliate Program through the respective affiliate sign-up page for your region. Affiliates earn a 15% commission on each payment made by customers they refer, with a $25 minimum withdrawal threshold.

Why Choose Us?

At LeapDigitals, LeapDigi, and LeapDigiPK, we understand that your website is critical to your success. That’s why we’ve built our services around the principles of reliability, security, and customer satisfaction. Whether you’re a small business owner, a WordPress enthusiast, or a large enterprise, we have the hosting solutions you need to thrive in the digital landscape.

Join us and experience the LeapDigitals difference. Let’s build something great together!